Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Yoga With WHO?!

Yoga with Adrienne has been my latest obsession. No not in a creepy stalker way but in an admirable way. She does YouTube videos and performs 10 minutes to a full 70 minute long yoga session through her videos. Her voice is incredibly soothing which is definetely necessary for an effective yoga practice. Please try out one of the following videos, and if none of these catch your eye then please go to her channel and find something you do like. I am sure you will find something. Happy Hunting.
P.S Do not push your body to limits it has not met before, take it easy and be kind to yourself.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Exit Interview

(1) What is your essential question and answers?  What is your best answer and why?

What is the best way a young adult female can obtain an 18-20% body fat?
1)By maintaining a diet consisting of 50%carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 20% fat while limiting sodium intake.
2)Have a physically active lifestyle which contains a mixture of strength training and cardio
3)Counting calories through a basic energy expenditure equation.
My best answer is my first, because you may work out all you like, and eat as little as you may "think" is helpful towards losing weight but at the end of the day if you want to slim down the key to a low body fat is the quality of nutrition you intake.

(2) What process did you take to arrive at this answer?

I went through a 10 week Nutrition course at Cal Poly Pomona where an expert in the field was my very knowledgeable professor.

(3) What problems did you face?  How did you resolve them?

I myself had to practice what I preached. I would present on how bad donuts were for you and then must show my fellow classmates that I believe in what I say,which more often than not meant I had to give them up. In order to not drive myself insane I'd take a bite of such indulgent foods if I felt like I really needed to and then gave it away in order to fulfill my satisfactional needs and not get any harm to hit my body.

(4) What are the two most significant sources you used to answer your essential question and why?
My professor Golandam Khayef at Cal Poly Pomona was so intelligent, I really looked up to her because she made the material seem like common sense and she would give honest answers, if she didn't know something , which was rare, she would figure it out for us by the next class. My second most significant source would have to be Cassey Ho, the resources she would have available on her videos and website really helped me get some valuable information on fitness.
I understand one was someone I worked with closely for 10 weeks and the other is an internet role model but these 2 ladies have truly extended my knowledge on the matter.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Independent Component 2

(a) I, Jacqueline Gaeta, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.

(b) MyFitnessPal and Blogilates

(c) Provide a digital spreadsheet (aka log of the 30 hours).   

(d) Throughout the course of these last 3 months, 2 fellow classmates and I created an initiative to workout and eat clean everyday. I restricted the amounts of sweets we had and denied any soda for the duration of the three months. The real goal was to get us all to take a step back and take a look at exactly what we are putting into our bodies, therefore the app was of great help, the three of us would write in our food diary daily which helped keep us focus. Also adding physical activity to our daily routine which made not only a difference in our health but in our state of mind.


With keeping track of our food diary we eventually started making better food choices and added workouts that would create more calories being burned than imputed to our bodies, eventually we felt better, stronger and happier with ourselves and our lives.
Here is an example of a day in our life (food edition)

This component helped me answer my essential question because it was much more difficult to stay focused this time around and I feel that this component has helped me answer the question of how does one exactly lack motivation? Why do people quit? What do the results do to your mind? etc. I have learned the ups and downs of this topic and feel that with this component I can relate a lot more to my audience, an audience that has a million things going on in their lives they feel they don't have time to think about their health.