Friday, November 29, 2013

ESHA vs MyPlate

For my independent component I am taking a Nutrition course up at Cal Poly, with my final just around the corner I have learned a lot of information on the functions of our body and the way it reacts to food due to its chemical properties. My professor assigned for us to study our own food diet to see if we were consuming all the nutrients we need for our body as well as seeing if we meet the recommended requirements. We used 2 different software for this study, we used ESHA which recollected 3 days worth of food intake, and MyPlate which only did a 24 recall. Not only was ESHA more extensive in the details of our health but it was also much more accurate due to the fact that it had more data to work with. However to obtain this software you need to pay, MyPlate gave similar overall results but it could be jeopardize through the person and whether that day was a very "normal" eating day for them.

This study was really amazing because it helped you realize what foods you need to start incorporating into your diet in order for you completely get a full range of nuitrients.

I suggest for you to try out MyPlate's site, it is completely free and it will be really neat to see how your food intake is now.

Be as accurate as possible and find new ways to improve your diet!
P.S just because it's the holidays doesn't mean you have an excuse to stuff your face and sit on the couch all day, a common mistake done at this time of the year. Take care of yourself and get up and move.

Saturday, November 16, 2013


1."I reviewed the rule of three for writing an EQ."

a.What is the most important factor in healthy weight loss?
     This EQ is not specific, it does not mention who is trying to loose weight. Age and gender are very important factors and this can change the depth of the research dramatically. It is providing a framework of studies and it can be debated therefore allowing you to make a stance.
b.What is most important to securing a conviction in a criminal investigation?
      This EQ has got me stuck, a criminal conviction is general however the law is written therefore no matter the crime there needs to be a secure way to convict someone, it may be helpful to be specific on the kind of crime we are dealing with though.
c. What is most important in creating a hairstyle that best satisfies a customer?
       What customer are they referring too? It can be researched in some level and you can argue whether the answers are reasonable and why or why not.
d. How can an Anesthesiologist best treat chronic pain?
     Best treat chronic pain in what part of the body? It may be different if it's internal or external pain. This EQ can be debated and it also allows you to research in great depth.

3.What is the most important factor for a young adult female to consider when trying to obtain a low body fat percentage?
 *Honestly I think my EQ is very specific the way it is and it follows the rule of 3 but I tried wording it in a different way just to give it a shot.*
Current EQ: What is the best technique for a young adult female to obtain a low body fat percentage?