Friday, February 21, 2014

Advisory Meeting #2

What is the best way a young adult female can obtain an 18-20% body fat?

Staying physically active for 60 minutes a day in order to challenge your strength and flexibility.

Yoga will help aid the mind to relax and allows your body to become flexible and strong.
Running will release a lot of stress and helps challenge your heart and body to reach new limits.
Strength Training helps lean out your body and allows you to build muscle mass.

The Female Body Breakthrough by Rachel Cosgrove (Book)
The Body Fat Solution by Tom Venuto (Book)

The best way a young adult female can reduce her body fat significantly is by implementing a physically active lifestyle in her day to day life.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Homemade PIZZA.

Today I stopped by favorite supermarket, Winco Foods, and bought some freshly made whole wheat pizza dough. I went home and knead it, took out anything that could possibly be added on a pizza
-Vegetable Tomato Sauce
-Deli Turkey Slices
-Salsa, Tapatio, Valentina
I called my 3 little siblings over and we got to work, we made 4 little pizza's and you know what, the house smelled amazing. It was definitely difficult because we had never made pizza ourselves before but it was definitely fun and it turned out great. 
I would recommend you make your own pizza rather than buying that greasy and (who knows what kind of ingredients are being added) pizza from a fast food joint. It's simple, inexpensive (the dough was less than $2 and it made 4 mini pizza's, fed 5 people well), and fast.
This way you can enjoy a slice of pizza without the guilt, of course all in moderation.


For the next 10 weeks...
A couple of fellow seniors and I will be challenging ourselves by
-Not consuming any fast food, junk food of any kind. (candy, cake, taco bell, ice cream, yogurtland :(, popcorn, in-n-out etc.)
-Limiting our calorie consumption
-Working out for a full 45-60 minutes a day, alternating between cardio and strength training while allowing one break day where our main focus is stretching our muscles out with yoga.
-Measuring ourselves on a weekly basis.

The point of this is too see my project come to life, through this I will be able to see real results other than myself and it will help me understand how body fat works. I admire the people doing this with me because they didn't hesitate, they were up for the challenge and although we have just begun, I feel that they will follow through and make me proud to have asked them to join.

*If you would like to join us don't hesitate to contact me and I can let you in on all the official rules, doing this with fellow seniors may be the push you need in order to keep yourself on check?

In 10 weeks time I will do another blog where I will explain how the whole process went, and hopefully show some great results.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Independent Component 2 Approval

1.  Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.
I, as well as 2 fellow seniors, will work side by side throughout the next 10 weeks in order to reduce our body fat percentage. We will workout a total of 60 minutes a day, that includes workout videos(such as XHIIT and Blogilates on youtube), running and etc. I will provide a specific calorie count and macro count for each of us to follow strictly, while allowing one celebratory meal every 2 weeks, and get a myfitnesspal account to keep track of ourselves as well as each other. I have spoken to Sabrina about this before and she has always stated that she would be more than willing to help and I appreciate how determined she is to follow through.

2.  Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.
I will log the hours we work out as the time of evidence and provide pictures of us as well as the diagrams on my fitness pal. I will also record our progress through graphs and pictures. We will set a realistic goal and hopefully achieve it by the time the 10 weeks are over.

3.  And explain how what you will be doing will help you explore your topic in more depth.
This plan will help me see how different workouts affect body leanness and how in order to slim down you need to eat the right foods.