Friday, January 31, 2014

Independent Component 1

    •   “I, Jackie Gaeta, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.”
    •  Professor Golie, Nutrition Course at Cal Poly Pomona
    • Throughout the quarter I attended a 2 hour class, twice a week for 10 weeks. I learned, extensively, the science behind the way our bodies work with the diet we provide. I passed the class with a B which goes to show that I did my work and tried to be successful in the class. I had a self study project in which I explored my own diet for 3 days and then went into depth for every single nutrient on why the nutrient is important, where it comes from and what foods can I consume in order to get a better intake of said nutrient. Also, my professor was very knowledgeable on the topic since she is an on site nutritionist at a facility that deals with eating disorders. I admired my professor very much for the stories she shared and the information she provided.
    • This class helped me in so many ways, I learned to grasp a whole new level of knowledge on foods and the way they affect our body. I learned how long it takes a slice of pizza to go down the digestive system, I can name all the parts of the digestive system (I knew where my appendix was located before it even became a problem with my own health), I realized that there are some serious eating disorders out there and I was very close to hurting myself as well, this class helped me accept the fact that things take time and that the main focus here should be my own health. The science was very difficult, explains why I got a C on my second midterm but it was really interesting to understand how it all came together.

Lesson 2 Reflection

1. What are you most proud of in your Lesson 2 Presentation and why?
      I am very proud of the information I gathered, I feel like the students really paid attention to what I was saying when I explained the importance of the macros. Plenty of students, I can think of at least 9, complimented me in my activity, they kept telling me I was "changing lives" and "you should keep this activity because it's actually useful" which made me giddy inside knowing that people actually benefited from my presentation and topic.

2. What assessment would you give yourself and why?

       P+/AE. My presentation connected to the students on a level people have yet to overcome, learning about nursing and sports is all very interesting but I feel that my topic actually connects to every student as an individual. I was able to help them realize what their very OWN dietary needs should be and that is a way to help them become more health conscious. The activity provided them with a lot of useful information that can be applied to their everyday lives and I gave a lot of real life examples of foods in order to help them ease into the transition of using cleaner ingredients when cooking in order for them to still get the chance to eat their favorite foods.

     According to the Lesson 2 rubric, I met all of the P requirements and feel that I went above and beyond with the information I provided for the students, the positive feedback justified the fact that it was a good activity.

3. What worked for you in your Lesson 2?
My activity worked really well and I believe that the worksheet was very hands on and easy to comprehend because of the examples I provided.

4. If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your Lesson 2?
I would have added more pictures to my slides? I personally like a more clean look to a PowerPoint but the feedback I got from the students was that they wished there were more visuals so next time I will be sure it's first on my to do list.

What do you think your answer #2 is going to be? 
 Activity level, how to add in cardio and strength training in order to burn the fat.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Make your life colorful...

Ever wonder how you can spice up your life with color? Well one way is to try something new, that includes food. Sometimes something so simple as vegetables can help your creative mind let loose. Personally I love to experiment with different vegetables and spices in order to make a new dish, sometimes I will add eggs, or some meat to give myself some protein but other times, like last night, I like to enjoy something light and comforting.
 All the ingredients I used. Bell Pepper, Carrots, Cabbage, Celery and some other weird looking vegetable that reminds me of apples. Garlic Pepper, Korean Hot Sauce and Grapeseed Oil.
Chop it all up and add it into your pan until the veggies are nice and crispy.

I love to play around with dishes like these, especially when there is a lot of produce at my house that hasn't been used up. My family isn't a hige fan of vegetables or really anything healthy for that matter so I like to make the most of every ingredient and put it to good use.

All the vegetables give your body plenty of great nutrients to make it feel good, it adds in major bonus points to your health, the Korean Hot Sauce is SPICY! I am terribly when it comes to spicy foods but I try my best to add it in to some of my main dishes because they help give your metabolism a boost. The grapeseed oil was used to help it all cook and mix well together, this oil is considered a good fat since it comes from a more clean environment. I definitely challenge YOU to try something NEW today, but here is the real challenge... you must create it yourself from foods you already have lying around. Good Luck

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Third Interview Questions

1.) What is the best way a young adult female can obtain an 18-20% body fat?
2.)How exactly do you start at fat loss program with a client?
3.) What types of workouts are the most effective when you want to loose body fat?
4.) Which, if any, diet do you believe would be the most helpful when trying to remove body fat?
5.)Why do you think it is so difficult for people to generally loose weight?
6.)Would you say that genetics plays a role in fat loss? How, or why not?
7.)What is your biggest success story?
8.) How do you make sure that your client follows a diet that you have set for them?
9.) How do you go about explaining to your clients what is best for them, even when they believe that their method is better?
10.) What got you interested in helping people get healthy?
11.) Do you take your own advice and apply it to your daily life?