Friday, October 25, 2013


The word everyone dreads to hear from their doctor, obese. Obesity is commonly known for being "overweight" and "unhealthy".
When I looked up obesity on Google this is what came up:
noun: obesity
the condition of being grossly fat or overweight.
Now I am no expert, but the fact that society associates the words "grossly fat" with obesity is incredibly negative, not really helping the situation now are they?

It is a serious problem though, especially since it has risen 13% in only adolescents in the past 30 years, it may not seem like a lot but when you think of 13% in millions of people, that is when you start freaking out. THIS IS AN EPIDEMIC; a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time. People eat more and more each day, foods that have no good nutritional value, food which are processed and have strange ingredients that no one can pronounce much less know what they mean. For example did you know "partially hydrogenated oil" is just a fancy term for bad fat that stays in your digestive system a "little" longer than it should; SPOILER ALERT this ingredient is in most of your peanut butter, oh and you know those Special K Cereals that claim to aid in weight loss, yup that has the oil too. Imagine what those other weird ingredients can do to your body? Or better yet DON'T and try to remove them from your diet, the fewer the ingredients the better!

Obesity or being overweight is what happens when you ingest A LOT of food and have little to no physical activity throughout the day, this is what we call a Caloric Imbalance. Ingesting more calories,units of energy, than you expel from your body. Keeping a food journal would be very helpful since it helps you keep track of the amount of calories you are consuming and the amount of calories you burn through your physical activities. Technology has made it easy for us, all you need is an app and you are set. 
Check out some of these apps, try it for maybe just 1 week and see how it works for you, come on it won't hurt to try.

(*available on both Android and iPhone)
*My Net Diary---->
(iPhone) Tap and Track----> 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Blog 8: Research and Working EQ

1.  What is your working EQ?
What is the best technique for a young adult female to obtain a low body fat percentage?

2.  What is a possible answer to your working EQ? Please write the answer in thesis format. 

  •  Follow a strict nutritional plan in order to effeminate the foods that are keeping the fat within the body.
  • Create a variety of workouts to perform while switching it up every couple of weeks in order to burn more fat.

3.  What is the most important source you have used that has helped you come up with an answer to your working EQ? 

I have read a couple of books that have all been very useful to me however I believe my college class has given me so much information in so little time, I think my professor has helped me agree with Nutrition in  being an answer.
4.  Who is your mentor, or where are you volunteering, and how does what you are doing relate to your working EQ?

My mentor is a Chiropractor and he shows me all the physical aspects of our body for example I have learned how a certain move can cause you relaxation which helps relieve stress, which aids in weight loss. *Stress is a big factor for it retains water.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Time to Unwind..

After a long day sometimes all you want to do is lay in bed and watch Netflix all night. However, you may think you are treating yourself to relaxation but you're truly NOT. The best way to unwind from that hard working day is to EXERCISE! Yeah today was very cold and it rained and sometimes you can't help but slip into your jammies and go straight to the couch, but remember you need to treat your body well so it can take care of you as well. Hello, how else is your immune system going to fight for you in this sickly season?
I definitely get it though, it may just be that kind of day where you simply aren't up for much.
This "Before-Bed" Yoga Sequence is definitely a gold mine. It helps relieve some stress by helping you focus on your breathing rather than all the negativity that is running through your mind, it also helps you perform deep stretches that will aid in a more soulful slumber. Enjoy and Sweet Dreams :